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My name is Nerodavalos. A wine? A color? An ancient site? Who knows.


I was born and live in southeastern Sicily although genetically I clearly betray a Greek-Middle Eastern origin.


My gaze has always been turned towards research and knowledge of nature and humans. After graduating in History and Conservation of architectural and environmental heritage, I deal with historical research, editing articles on ancient production processes.


The instinct towards exploration, not only in time but also in space, first led me to become a Nature/hiking guide (Aigae) and to propose excursions to schools and endless backpacking trips to young people in the no mobile/unknown destination mode (Sicily, Morocco, Malta and Turkey). I qualified then as an official tourist guide to lead foreigners on historical-cultural itineraries in Sicily, combining the role of tour leader/local walking guide for groups on hiking-cultural trips.


Since 2006, I have collaborated with the magazine "Suq.  Unconventional Sicily" as a writer and “hunter” of unconventional elements of the Sicilian culture and landscape.


I am intrigued by ranging from the silent and dark dimension of the deepest caves to the synaesthetic and crowded chaos of the markets. From the minute visions of details to the geographical ones of the overflights.


Passionate about cooking, I strongly consider it as a profound aspect of a culture, an opportunity for contamination, a clear expression of love towards oneself and others.


Travel? A lifestyle, a tool for knowing the world and oneself, an opportunity for evolution, an exercise in “feeling”, a current to be indulged.

Nerodavalos - Luca Di Giacomo


​+39 338 9948082

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